Once you upgraded your Headquarters to level 4 you'll receive the ability to begin placing troops one at a time which can be of a great tactical advantage as you don't have to commit your whole squad.Mix up your defenses, don't just rely on one type of weapon as a lot of troop types are going to be coming your way.Send your strongest best forces first, as the weaker ones will become cannon fodder for opponent's base defenses.This might be a great little nod to the earlier C&C titles like Red Alert 2. Look for barrel caches, as attacking them can create a chain reaction of big explosions.Join an alliance, the game is called Empires & Allies for a reason, and not only will your allies be helpful to you but it will greatly improve the gaming experience.Do not place base defenses close to each other as they will be the prime target of enemy command powers, and if they are adjacent they can be destroyed by a single power.Great way to earn gold is to focus on achievements as they are a great for not just having a short-term mission, but for earning additional resources.Structures and base defenses can be upgraded if they have a small green arrow below them, but you need to be a certain level and have the right amount of resources to do so.Thanks to an update player can now scout regions for scanning enemy bases.Buying a second engineer allows you to build or upgrade two structures at the same time.Staying on the topic of resources, it's smarter to favor storage opposing to production, as you can always go to the world and do single-player attacks to gather more Fuel and Supplies, but if you don't have anywhere to place them it will be for nothing.Early in the game, you're using just two basic resources, Fuel and Supplies, and at the start your focus should be on the later as you need it to build and upgrade buildings and base defenses.If they choose to ignore the tower, they’ll be pelted by it while they try to destroy the other buildings. If enemies try to take you tower, they’re going to have to take down your walls first. A good strategy to employ is to position your towers nearby important structures, such as your headquarters or supply storages. Walls are very useful for buying yourself some time. Use walls to protect important structures! You can do this by deploying your strikers first at the beginning of the level, waiting a second or two, then deploy your rangers.Ħ. To maximize their damage, send in your strikers first so that they draw the attention of the towers, providing cover for your rangers. The strikers are armored vehicles that have much higher health than your rangers, but since you will most likely have more rangers, they will end up doing more damage over time. For example, when you start out, you will only have access to the Rangers and the Striker VI units. When attacking towers head on, it’s best to position your tougher units on the front lines.